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Smart Blogging

General Safety
1. Remove yourself from situations that make you uncomfortable
You’re likely to come across blogs on the Internet that make you uncomfortable. Some might have harsh language, opinions with which you don’t agree, inappropriate sexual matter, violence, or other context you find disturbing. Remember, when you encounter sites that make you uncomfortable, you can remove yourself immediately. Hit the back button – it’s that simple.

Protect yourself and your Privacy
1.Never give out personal information without checking with your parents first.

2.Never put your full name, telephone, address, school, or other identifying information on your blog. This includes local school sports teams and the places you hang out with friends. It is not recommended that you post your photo, either – these are easy ways for predators to identify you and track you down.

3.Share what you post on the Internet with your parents. This doesn’t mean they need to read it every day, but if you’re not comfortable sharing what you’re writing with them, chances are the information could put you in danger – with your friends, or on a personal safety level.

4.Keep your personal profile private; select your preferences so that this information does not display to the public unless you are certain there is no information that makes you easily identified.

5.Never lie about your age when you sign up for a blog.

6.Never meet with someone you meet online or through a blog. If you plan to do so, consult an adult and meet in a public place with an adult or large group of friends.

7.Control your “friends” list on your blog very carefully. Use caution when adding strangers to your list. Be extremely careful when adding information you post that can be accessed by people outside your friends list.

8.If you allow unknown persons to post comments to your blog, check them regularly and deledte comments that are mean, threatening, or that could embarrass you or your friends. Don’t respond to flaming messages – just delete them, and block these kinds of individuals from posting to your blog in the future.


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